600+ restorani Forus äpis
Meie partner on Fudy
Iga tellimusega läbi Forust kogud US Tokeneid
Fudy on Eestis loodud toidukullerteenus. Tänaseks on Fudyga platvormiga liitunud üle 600 restorani ja tellimislahendust kasutavad juba ka hotellid. Lisaks toidu kohaleveole pakub Fudy restoranides koha peal tellimuste haldamise lahendust. Seda nii Helsingis kui ka Tallinnas, Tartus, Pärnus, Kuressaares, Viljandis, Narvas ja Jõhvis.

2200+ cars in Estonia, Latvia, and Finland
Rent a car, even from the next street.
Our region’s largest person-to-person car sharing platform is Forus Autolevi, where everyone has the opportunity to safely rent out their car to other good people. A wide selection of various brand vehicles is typically only a 5-10 minute walk away. Autolevi offers everyone the opportunity to simply make money by renting out their car through our platform. Turn the regular expense of a car into a source of extra income!

3 000+ scooters total
Durable and nature-friendly Tuul scooters.
With every order through Forus, you collect US Tokens.
Tuul is an electric shared scooter developed by the world market leader in electric scooter and e-bike modules, Comodule. Tuul’s mission is to provide an environmentally friendly, efficient, and comfortable mode of transportation, enriching urban lifestyle while reducing ecological footprint and city noise.